Scimitar of Speed

Enc: 5#
IS: Metal, hard
Aura: varies
XP: varies
GP: varies

Scimitar of SPEED is a magical weapon, usually of + 2 power, that enables
its wielder to always make the first attack in a melee round,
even though some magical effect might have otherwise slowed his or
her speed and reaction time.

This initial attack will come in the first
segment of the round, ahead of any other action that may also take
place in that segment. The scimitar of speed also allows more than
one strike in some rounds; it increases the wielder’s figure for attacks
per melee round by one place, so that if 1 attack is normal, the improved
figure is 3/2, and if 3/2 is normal, then the improvement is to 2
attacks per round. This increase in attacks is cumulative with any
other bonus attacks (such as those provided by ahaste spell). The order
of attacks in the round is determined normally after the wielder of
the scimitar of speed has made his or her first attack to begin activity
in the round. It is possible, for instance, that a wielder entitled to 3 attacks
in the round will attack once before any other action takes
place, and then (because of poor initiative rolls or other factors) take
his or her remaining two attacks at the very end of the round. There
are versions of this weapon which are cutlasses, tulwars, and yatagans
(30% overall probability for a variant form, 10% chance for any
specific type). There is also a chance (25%) that the weapon will have
a bonus of something other than + 2; if this occurs, roll percentile dice
and refer to the following table to determine the appropriate bonus:
Dice Roll Type X.P. Value G.P. Sale Value Aura
01 -50 +1 2,500 9,000 ?
(normal form) +2 3,000 12,000 ?
51 -75 +3 3,500 15,000 ?
76 - 90 +4 4,000 18,000 ?
91 -00 +5 4,500 21,000 ?

