Slippers of Kicking



Enc: -
IS: -
XP: 750
GP: 6k

The wearer of these magical shoes is empowered
to utilize his or her feet as effective weapons.

The wearer of this
footgear is able to attack twice each combat round, and although his
or her level of attack remains unchanged, the slippers enable two
special attacks each round if the wearer choose to forego other attack
methods. Damage inflicted by kicking with these slippers is special.
The opponent suffering damage takes 1-6 points if man-sized or
smaller and 1-4 points if larger than man-sized. The dweomer of the
footgear actually inflicts twice normal damage, but the additional effect
is maintained in a separate category, for such points are recovered
by the opponent after one complete turn - similar to stunning
damage, which wears off after a time. For instance, the wearer attacks
a larger than man-sized opponent. Initial attacks are successful,
and the damage inflicted is 3 points (plus 3) and 4 points (plus 4).
At the beginning of the 11th round of combat (or on the 11th round
thereafter, in any event), the opponent would recover 7 points (the
“plus 3” and “plus 4”) noted above) as the stunning effects of the
kicks wore off. If these slippers are worn by a character able to employ
martial arts skills, their effect is merely + 1 on foot attacks and
damage inflicted.
