Staff of Thunder and Lightning

Enc: 5
IS: -
Aura: <alteration> 
XP: 8000
GP: 20,000
Magic Items

Casual examination of this stout quarterstaff
will show it to be exceptional, and if it is magically examined, it
will radiate a dweomer of the alteration sort.

Constructed of very stout
wood (ash, oak, bronzewood, of the like) and bound with iron set with
silver rivets, it has the properties of a + 2 magic weapon without any
expenditure of its magical charges. Its other magical properties are
as follows:

    THUNDER: The staff strikes as a + 3 weapon, and unless the opponent
    struck saves versus rods, staves, and wands, he, she, or it
    will be stunned from the noise of the staff’s impact - unable to
    take any further action in the round struck, and automatically having
    last initiative in the following round. This power requires the expenditure
    of 1 charge.

    LIGHTNING: A short spark of electricity leaps forth when the opponent
    is struck, and in addition to staff damage, from 2-12 additional
    points of damage from shock are bestowed (cf. wand of
    lightning). Note that the staff might not score a hit, but the electrical
    discharge discounts any form of metal armor (making the target
    effectively AC 10 for this purpose), so only such damage might
    apply. This power requires the expenditure of 1 charge.

    THUNDERCLAP: The staff sends forth a cone of deafening noise,
    1/2” wide at the apex, 4” long, and 2” wide at its furthest point from
    the source. All creatures within this cone, wholly or partially, must
    save versus rods, staves, and wands or be stunned for 1-2 rounds
    (unable to attack during this time) and unable to hear for 1-2 additional
    rounds. Those who save are unable to hear for 1-4 rounds,
    but suffer no loss of attacks. This function requires the expenditure
    of 2 charges.

    LIGHTNING STROKE: A bolt similar to that from a wand of lightning
    is generated, but it is of eight dice (8d6) strength, causing 16-
    48 points of damage (rolls of 1 are counted as 2) to those who fail a
    saving throw. The stroke can be single or forked. This function of
    the rod uses 2 charges.

    THUNDER & LIGHTNING: This power combines the thunderclap,
    described above, with a forked lightning bolt as in the lightning
    stroke. Damage from the lightning is a total of 8d6 with rolls of 1 or
    2 counted as rolls of 3, for a range of 24-48 points. A saving throw
    applies, with deafness and half damage suffered by those who are
    successful. This power requires the expenditure of 4 charges.

The time required to activate any function is a number of segments
equal to the number of charges expended; thus, the thunder & lightning
function costs 4 charges and requires 4 segments to operate.