Wand of Defoliation


Enc: Bone or ivory case = 6
Box = 8
Leather case = 3
IS: Bone
Wood, Thick


Aura: -
XP: 1k
GP: 6k

This wand is never constructed of any sort of
wood; instead, ivory or bone is typically the major component.

It has
the following functions:
When 1 charge is expended, all chlorophyll in a 3" radius from the
wand is destroyed. Thus, leaves turn to autumnal colors and drop off,
grass becomes brown and dry, and so forth.
When 2 charges are expended, all normal plant life within the 3" radius
area of effect withers and dies. Sentient plant creatures and
other non-normal sorts of plants will not necessarily be killed, but they
will each suffer 1-6 (1d6) points of damage. If so desired, the possessor
of the wand can direct the force of this power into a cone-shaped
area of 3" length, widening to 1" diameter at the farthest point from
the wand. Effects are the same as for the spherical area of effect, except
that sentient and non-normal plant life within the cone will suffer
6-36 points of damage (6d6) instead of only 1-6. Any plant-creature or
other non-normal plant that lies partially within the conical area of effect
is entitled to a saving throw (versus rods, staves, and wands), and
if successful takes only one-half damage (3d6).
