Wand of Steam and Vapor


Class: any
Charges: 100 (-d20-1)
Enc: Bone or ivory case = 6
Box = 8
Leather case = 3
IS: Bone
Wood, thick

Wood, thin

Aura: -
XP: 45*charge
GP: 250*charge

A wand of this sort has two separate
functions, each of which requires the expenditure of 1 charge:

    STEAM: In one segment the wand will spout forth a jet of superheated
    steam in a cone 1 “x 3” x 5”. Any creature within this area
    takes 6-36 (6d6) points of damage. The cloud persists, slowly cooling,
    so that on the second round it inflicts 4d6 damage, and on the
    third and last round it causes 2d6 damage. Saving throws apply
    for half damage in all cases. Naturally, fire-dwelling or fire-using
    creatures will not be harmed by the steam - unless they are
    harmed by dampness.

    VAPOR: In one segment the wand will gout forth billows of warm,
    steamy vapors. These vapors are equal to a fog cloud of 4” depth,
    6” height, and 8” breadth. This vaporous cloud persists for 6
    rounds, remaining stationary unless moved about by magical or
    non-magical breezes or winds. Cold-using creatures will suffer 1
    point of damage per round while inside the vapor cloud, and colddwelling
    creatures will take twice that amount of damage.
