
Negative Plane Protection

L^: c3
R#: Touch
D^: 1t*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: None
A^: One Prime Material Plane creature

Effect: This spell allows the caster or any other eligible creature touched to be partially protected from an undead monster that has an existence on the Negative Material Plane (such as a shadow, wight, wraith, spectre, or vampire).
The dweomer of the spell opens a channel to the Positive Material Plane,
the energy from which helps to offset the effect of the undead creature's attack.
The recipient is allowed a saving throw versus death magic if he or she is touched (attacked) by an undead creature.
Success indicates that the recipient takes normal hit-point damage from the attack,
but does not suffer the drain of experience that would otherwise take place.
In addition, the undead creature takes 2-12 (2d6) hit points of damage from the Positive Plane energy.
The magic is only proof against one such attack,
and dissipates after that attack whether or not the saving throw is successful.
If the saving throw versus death magic is failed,
the recipient of the spell takes double the usual physical damage in addition to the loss of experience that normally occurs.
The spell will also protect the recipient from the effect of a magic-user's energy drain spell,
but in such a case the magic-user is not affected.
The contact between the Positive and Negative Planes that this spell brings about will cause a bright flash of light and a sound like that of a thunderclap,
but these phenomena do not cause damage in any event.
The protection will last for 1 turn per level of the cleric casting the spell,
or until the recipient is successfully attacked by an undead monster.
The spell cannot be cast on the Negative Material Plane.

MC: <holy symbol?>.
