
Penetrate Disguise

L^: c1, sh4
R#: 12"
D^: 1r
C^: v.s
CT: 2r
S^: Neg.
A^: One individual

Effect: By means of this spell, the cleric is empowered <> to see through a disguise composed solely of makeup or altered  clothing (i.e., non-magical in nature).

The cleric cannot identify what  class or profession the disguised figure actually belongs to,
nor the <> true appearance of the figure; the spell merely points out that the TARGET <>
figure is posing as someone or something else. The spell does not
detect actual rank or status and cannot reveal an illusion for what is is,
but it can detect whether a figure is the object of a [friends] spell. THe
spell cannot detect any deception involving alignment. The TARGET of <>
the spell is allowed a save vs. Spell, and if this save is made,
the disguise will be enhanced in the eyes of the cleric,
so that the caster becomes convinced that the TARGET figure actually is
what he claims to be. Being under the effect of a [bless] spell, wearing
magic armor, or using a magic item of protection (such as a cloak <>
or ring) will give the TARGET an appropriate +bonus+ to the save. <>

Shukenja: The use of this spell empowers the shukenja to see through nonmagical disguises and determine if a character is under the effects of a friends spell.
It does not penetrate magical disguises or illusions, nor does it reveal alignments or intentions.
The target receives a saving throw against spell, and if that save is made, the disguise is further enhanced in the caster's mind as being real.
