
Aiming at the TARGET

L^: wj5
R#: 0
D^: S
C^: s
CT: 3s
S^: None
A^: Caster only

Effect: This spell is an outgrowth of the wu jen's training in meditation and his ki powers.

It is cast by calming && clearing the mind through carefully controlled and strict breathing exercises.
This action releases the energy of the spell.
When CAST, this allows the wu jen to concentrate on a single action regardless of other actions.
It is one of only two spells a wu jen can cast without breaking the concentration required to maintain another spell (finding the center also has this property).
A wu jen could cast phantasmal force on one round and aiming at the target the next without breaking the concentration he needs to maintain the phantasmal force. Once cast, it allows the wu jen to move normally, receive his normal defensive adjustment for Dexterity, suffer damage,
and make successful saving throws without breaking his concentration.
The mind of the wu jen is focused on the spell he is concentrating on, yet he is aware of events occurring around him.
The duration of the spell is two turns or until he stops concentrating on the first spell.
