
Animate Fire

L^: wj3
R#: (1")*
D^: 1r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: None
A^: 1 cubic foot/level

Effect: This spell allows the wu jen to control the movements of normal fire.

He can cause flames to leap at an opponent, spread in a particular direction, flare up into the sky, or fall to a quiet smolder.
The animated fire can be made to move in any direction the caster wishes (at the rate of 3'), provided there is combustible material for the fire to feed upon.
The wu jen can also cause the fire to burn with greater heat, causing twice the normal
amount of damage. This consumes the fuel of the fire at twice the normal rate. The amount of fire a wu jen can
animate is determined by his level. This also determines the range he can cause flames to reach from the main
fire source-a 9th-level wu jen can cause a flame to reach out 9 feet from the main body of the fire. Controlling
the fire requires the wu jen to concentrate on the spell. If the concentration is broken before the end of the spell's
duration, the spell disappears.

MC: A handful of charcoal, sulphur, and soda ash.
