Animate Water

<image: Twilight: Breaking Dawn, part 2>

L^: wj2
R#: (2")*
D^: (1r)*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: None
A^: ½" cube/level

Effect: This spell allows the wu jen to animate any amount of water up to the area of effect.

The wu jen cannot
shape the water, but can bid it to flow in any direction he desires. So long as the wu jen continues to concentrate
on the spell, he can cause the water to move about at the rate of 6 ". However, the water is still subject to the
natural laws of evaporation, absorption, and gravity. Thus, fire and heat quickly do away with the water form,
while earth turns to mud, drawing off most of the watery body. The wu jen can cause the animated water to
climb gentle grades, but walls, staircases, and other abrupt rises are impassable to it. If used for attack, the water
does t-2 points of damage per 1 /2" cube of water animated, crashing in a wave against opponents. While
concentrating on the spell, the wu jen can move up to 3 ", but no other actions can be taken. If the wu jen's
concentration is broken before the end of the spell duration, the spell is cancelled.

MC: A small vial of pure spring water mixed with cinnabar ore.

