
L^: wj4
R#: 1"
D^: Instantaneous
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: Neg.
A^: One spirit

Effect:  This spell is used by the wu jen to obtain the services of lesser && greater spirits.

Before the spell is cast, the wu jen must contact the desired spirit (through a commune spell).
<technically:Commune with Lesser Spirit || Commune with Greater Spirit spell>

Once the contact has been made, the wu jen can cast the bargain spell.
If the spirit makes a successful save vs. spell, the spell fails and the spirit is under no compulsion to heed the wu jen.
However, if the saving throw is failed, the wu jen can demand one service of the spirit, if that service is within the powers of the spirit.
The spirit is compelled to perform this service if the wu jen can close the deal by providing some item or service demanded by the spirit.
The spell does limit the spirit’s demands to a payment of no more than half the value of the service demanded by the wu jen.
The player and DM, playing each role, must negotiate what the exact terms of the bargain are.
Once the bargain has been made, the spirit is bound to performing it.
The wu jen can elect to make his payment immediately or wait until the spirit has fulfilled his portion of the bargain.
Should the wu jen fail to make good on his part of the bargain, the spirit appeals to the Celestial Bureaucracy for redress.
These powerful beings send a punishment to the wu jen in the form of a -2 penalty on all hit rolls and + 2 on all saving throws until the wu jen fulfills his part of the bargain.

Note that if the spirit makes the saving throw, it may still remain to deal with the wu jen,
although the terms are never as advantageous as they would have been under the power of the bargain spell.

MC: A bowl of incense.
