

L^: wj3
R#: 0
D^: 1t*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1t
S^: S
A^: Caster only

Effect: This spell allows the wu jen to assume the appearance of any creature of the same species or sub-species as the caster,
provided he is familiar with the person whose appearance he assumes.

The spell creates a
complete illusion of the assumed identity-face, body build, and even voice. The spell does not provide any of
the abilities of the character assumed, nor his personal habits or mental patterns. Those observing the disguised
character have a 5% chance per level of detecting the disguise, provided they are familiar with the person whose
identity has been assumed. They notice a change in the behavior of the person, thus detecting the difference.
Those who do not know the assumed character or have only met him a few times automatically accept the
disguise. Furthermore, actions entirely out of character allow all present to check to see if the disguise is
penetrated. The disguised person radiates a faint aura of magic, noticeable to a detect magic spell. A detect
illusion reveals the spell.

MC: The material component for this spell is an item from the body of the assumed character (hair, nail
clippings) or an item that is constantly worn or carried by the assumed character. This component must be
carried by the wu jen at all times during the duration of the spell. Should it be set aside, the spell effect
immediately ends. Important officials and powerful characters take great care in disposing of items that could
be used to create the disguise dweomer-burning cut hair or fingernail parings, for example.
