
Drowsy Insects

L^: wj1
R#: 6"
D^: Instantaneous
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: Neg.
A^: 1/2" sq. level

Effect: This spell summons a small cloud of stinging and biting insects anywhere desired within the spell range.

These insects swarm around all those in the AREA of effect, unless they are protected by fire, cold, or smoke.
Although the stings and bites cause no damage and are hardly felt, all those swarmed must make a saving throw
vs. poison. If the save is successful, the spell has no effect on that creature. If the saving throw is failed, the
creature instantly falls into a light slumber and remains asleep for 2d6 rounds unless awakened. The victim
wakes up when shaken, struck, or otherwise disturbed. Loud noises such as fighting have a 50% chance of
awakening the character and actions such as shouting in his ear certainly will.

MC: A live honeybee or stinging insect.
