Elemental Burst

L^: wj1
R#: 6"
D^: Instantaneous
C^: v.s
CT: 3s
S^: ½
A^: 1' diameter

Effect: Upon uttering a twisted phrase of great potency, the wu jen indicates the TARGET point within the range of the spell.

The target point must be an item composed of one of the five elements--wood, fire, water, stone, or air.
The element then releases the magical energy within it in a sudden burst.

    * Wood and stone items throw off sharp slivers in all directions out to the radius of the spell.
    All within the area of effect must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or suffer 1d8 points of damage.
    The damage is halved if the saving throw is made.

    * Fire shoots off glowing sparks, causing 1 d4 points of damage and a successful saving throw vs. spell results in no damage.
    The sparks have a 5% chance of igniting flammable objects in the AREA of effect.

    * Water pushes out in a string wave, knocking down all who fail to make a saving throw vs. spell.
    Boats and vessels are unaffected by this wave.

    * An air burst creates a concussive wave, stunning all in the area of effect for 1-2 rounds unless a successful saving throw vs. spell is made.
    In no case does the spell noticeably affect the structure of the TARGET item.