
Enchanted Blade

L^: wj2
R#: T
D^: S
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1t
S^: None
A^: Creature touched

Effect: When CAST, this spell causes a sword blade of crackling electrical energy to appear in the recipient's hands.

It is the size of a normal longsword,<> but is virtually weightless. Electrical sparks flash up and down the
length of the glowing blade. The enchanted blade can be used in two ways-in normal melee combat or to fire a
bolt of crackling energy from its tip up to a range of 3". A hit roll must be made in either case. Either method
can be used at any point in a combat (the wielder decides). The spell has an absolute duration of 1 turn.
However, it can disappear earlier. The sword can do damage up to the caster's level in six-sided dice before

Before rolling the hit, the wielder states how many dice will be used. If the hit is successful, that amount
of damage is done, and that many dice are subtracted from the sword's remaining potential. However, the
defender, if hit, is allowed a saving throw vs. death. If this save is successful, the damage is reduced by half. If a
7th-level wu jen casts the spell, one attack can be made, doing 7d6 of damage, or several attacks can be made
whose total damage equals 7d6. The enchanted blade is magical energy and thus can be used to hit creatures
that can only be hit by magical weapons. However, the magical bonus to hit such creatures is only + 1 for every
4 levels of the spell caster's experience levels ( + 1 at levels 1-4,
+ 2 at levels 5-8). This bonus is only used to determine if the creature can be struck by the weapon. It does not
improve the chance to hit or the damage caused by a successful hit.

MC: A small wooden sword && a silver rod.
