 (1, 16 a):

cost = 1 skill point
base chance of success = 80%

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The correct form of address and proper social manners are another important skill for
characters. The OA society can be extremely proper and polite, and failure to abide by the
correct forms of behavior can result in serious loss of honor. In everyday situations, it is assumed the characters
are behaving acceptably (unless the player tells the DM something to make him think otherwise). In formal
ceremonies (an audience before the Emperor or a formal duel, for example), the character must roll a die to see
how successful his etiquette . Does he use the correct forms of address? Does he speak, laugh, or yawn at the
wrong time? Failures of etiquette in such situations result in losses of honor and poorer reactions from
important NPCs.

The DM should not let the etiquette proficiency overrule the role-playing on the part of the player. If the
player has controlled his character correctly, there is no need for a die roll. If the player has just described a
gross indiscretion committed by his character, there is no need for a die roll. The etiquette proficiency is to be
used as a guide, and the DM should not hesitate to overrule it based on the character's described actions.