(Illusion/Phantasm; Enchantment/Charm)

Lose Face

L^: wj3
R#: T
D^: 2t*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1t
S^: S
A^: Creature touched

Effect: By means of this spell, the wu jen is able to create the illusion that he is of a higher social level, title, office, or position than he actually is.

When cast, the wu jen decides what particular thing is increased--social level, title, or office.
Upon completion of the spell, the appropriate status is increased by 1d4 ranks.
The spell surrounds the wu jen with the appropriate air of confidence, aura of power, mannerisms, speech, and etiquette appropriate to the rank.

Upon those unfamiliar with the rank assumed the spell has a greater than normal effect. They give the
wu jen an inordinate amount of respect, their encounter reaction rolls are 10% greater than that dictated by the
assumed rank. They unhesitatingly, believe the wu jen really is a member of the assumed position and is quite
fearsome and powerful. The confidence he radiates impresses those affected greatly. Those familiar with the
rank assumed are allowed a saving throw vs. spell. If failed, they treat the wu jen as if he were at the assumed
rank. If successful, they begin to notice slight flaws in the behavior of the wu jen. After one turn they become
suspicious of the character and after two turns they realize he is an impostor. Whether they communicate this to
others and what actions they may take depend on the situation. Those of higher status are also allowed a saving
throw vs. spell with the same results for success or failure. Of course, they never treat the character as an equal.

    MC: A drop of honey.

Lose Face: The reverse of this spell, lose face, causes the victim to become socially graceless.
The victim must be touched (normal hit roll) but no saving throw is allowed.
The victim and those with him are not immediately aware of any change,
but when social graces are important the victim somehow manages to do the wrong thing to the obvious notice of those around him.
The exact effect of such blunders must be adjudicated by the DM, depending on the situation and NPCs involved.

    MC: A small piece of charcoal.
