Fire Breath

L^: wj5
R#: 0
D^: I
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: 1/2
A^: Cone 3"long x 
1 1/2" wide at base

Effect: This spell allows the wu jen to breathe a cone of magical flame into the area of effect.

All within the cone suffer 1d6 points of damage for every level of the wu jen unless they make a successful save vs. breath weapon (which reduces the damage to half).
Combustible objects (other than the clothing and gear of creatures in the cone) are ignited automatically.
This may cause additional damage to those within the AREA.
The DM must rule on these situations.

MC: A piece of red hot charcoal clenched in the teeth of the caster.
This charcoal does no damage to the caster.