
Gambler's Luck
(Invocation; Enchantment/Charm)

L^: wj6
R#: T
D^: 1t*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1s
S^: None
A^: Creature touched

Effect: When cast, the wu jen has no control over what form this spell takes.

He must abide by the winds of fate.
There is a 60% chance the outcome is good and a 40% chance the outcome is bad. A good outcome
improves all die rolls made for the character by 1 (or 10% for percentile rolls) for the duration of the spell. A
bad outcome does not affect the die rolls of the character, but inflicts him with a gambling mania for the
duration of the spell. The character automatically accepts any game of chance or wager offered him. The game
or wager must include some element of chance, thus, dares are not considered to fall in this category. Likewise,
the spell does not force the character to accept suicidal wagers (the character does not agree to kill himself or let
another kill him) on the basis of a coin toss. He would, however, accept a bet which offered freedom or
surrender on the basis of a roll of the die. The character continues to play at any game until he is unable to pay,
although he attempts to borrow from others to remain in a game.

MC: A small statuette of the god of luck. <(Bes, Daikoku)
