
Ghost Light

by Shroud (Flickr)

L^: wj1
R#: 12"
D^: Special
C^: v.s.m
CT: 5s
S^: None
A^: 1 " square

Effect: With this spell, the wu jen summons a ghostly green radiance anywhere within the range of the spell.

The light can be used to illuminate some object or can be shaped in any form within the limits of the AREA of effect.
Furthermore, the caster can control the movement of the light.
The ghost light could be formed in the shape of a man and then commanded to walk or fly, for example.
The spell lasts as long as the caster continues to concentrate on it.
Common superstition holds that various evil spirits radiate a light similar to that produced by ghost light.
Intelligent creatures with low rating or less than 1 Hit Die must make a saving throw vs. spell upon seeing the ghost light.
If the save is successful, the creature stands his ground, albeit nervously.
Those who fail their saving throw panic, running their full movement rate away from the light for 1 round.
If they are unable to flee, they cower and attempt to hide.
If forced to fight under these conditions, they suffer a penalty of -2 on all attempts to hit.

MC: A piece of phosphorus.
