Giant Size

Reversible: Minute Form

L^: wj8
R#: 0
D^: 2-8 rounds
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1t
S^: None
A^: Caster only

Effect: This spell allows the wu jen to assume truly gigantic proportions.

As soon as the spell is cast, the wu jen must make a system shock roll. If the roll is failed, the character permanently loses 1 point of Constitution.
The spell causes the wu jen to instantly grow, adding a height of 3 feet for every level of experience.
An 18th-level wu jen would be about 60 feet tall and a 29th-level wu jen would stand a colossal 93 feet tall.
The Strength of the wu jen increases proportionately--1 point of Strength for every three levels of experience to a maximum of 25.
However, the giant form is awkward and clumsy, so the wu jen does not receive any hit bonuses for his increased Strength
(although he does receive damage bonuses).
The percentile scores for an 18 Strength are ignored, going directly from 18 to 19 in Strength.
Damage bonuses for Strengths above 18 are equal to + 6 + 1 point for every point of strength greater than 18.
The Armor Class of the wu jen is improved by 1 for every 12 feet of height gained.
The hit points of the wu jen remain unchanged and the movement rate also remains unchanged, because of the slow and lumbering body of the caster.

While in giant form, the wu jen cannot cast spells of any type.
Items carried by the wu jen do not increase in size, except for normal clothing.
Obviously, because of this, the wu jen cannot use normal weapons.
However, he can uproot trees to use as clubs (2d10 points of damage) if a successful bend bars/lift gates die roll is made.
Boulders can be hurled, again if a successful bend bars/lift gates die roll is made.
Each boulder thrown causes 3d6 points of damage.
Other acts of rampage and destruction must be adjudicated by the DM, using the general guidelines of Strength and the bend bars/lift gates die roll.
Also, since the spell causes a sudden spurt of growth, the caster should take care in picking the place the spell is used.
If cast underground or in an area smaller than the full size attained by the caster,
the caster is going to take damage, possibly even die because of the squeezing and crushing that occurs.

MC: The scale of a dragon || hairs from the head of a giant.

Minute Form: The reverse of this spell is minute form. When cast, the size of the caster reduces by three inches per
level thereafter. An 18th-level caster reduces by 54 inches. When the caster shrinks to one inch in height only
1/8th of an inch is lost per level thereafter. The maximum reduction allowed is 1/ 8th inch tall. The Armor Class
of the caster remains unchanged. However, the character must be seen to be hit! The movement rate is reduced
by 1 " per foot of height lost. Upon reaching the last foot of height, the movement rate is reduced 1 " for every
further 3-inch reduction in height. The movement rate can never be less than 1 foot per round. Upon reaching
one foot in height, the creature suffers only half normal damage from falls. At one inch or less of height, no
damage is suffered from falls. However, the creature is highly susceptible to winds and breezes and can be
easily blown about by gust of wind, wind breath and similar spells. Although all items shrink when this spell is
cast, most are rendered unusable or negligible in their effect. The ranges and effects of magical items and spells
are adjusted proportionately to their size.

MC.Minute Form: A flea swallowed by the caster.