Heraldry (1, 12 a):

The knowledge of heraldry teaches the character to identify the different crests find symbols used by families && nobles.
These badges normally take the form of stylized helmets, banners, or circular designs (called mon).
Each noble family has its own design to identify the members and followers of that family, and individuals within the family may have their own symbol, also. Knowledge of these symbols is of particular importance in times of war, since they are often the only way to identify friend from foe on the battlefield.
Whenever a character tries to identify a particular badge, a die roll for success must be made. If
successful, the character is able to interpret the device correctly (identify the family or individual). If the die roll
indicates failure, the character cannot recognize the device. The DM can rule some devices as instantly
recognizable, especially if the character has seen and correctly named the crest before.