
Know History

L^: sh1, wj1
R#: 12"
D^: Instantaneous
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: S
A^: One creature or object

Effect: The know history spell, when CAST, reveals the common Ren<>, background, lineage, and deeds of any {item}, creature, or place,
should such possess any notable history at all.

It does not reveal secret identities, presence of magic, magical abilities, character alignment, etc.
* If CAST on a character, it would tell of his parents, what family he belongs to, and any famous deeds of his ancestors.

* When CAST on an object, it reveals the specific name of the item (if it has one), any notable deeds it was used in, and the Ren<> of its maker.
    A katana could be revealed as
    the "Cloud-Cutting Sword used by the great hero Akicha Tanokura at the Battle of the Fallen Bridges, having been made for him by the master swordsmith Lei Yung."

When used to reveal a creature or item that is disguised or polymorphed, the TARGET is allowed a saving throw versus spells.
If this is failed the spell operates normally.
The spell has no effect on disguised or polymorphed items or places.
When used on a creature, the caster must be able to see the creature in question.
When used on an object, the caster must be able to handle the item.
When used on a place, the caster must be standing within the grounds of the site.

MC: A pair of carved bones.
