Reversible: Erasement

L^: wj3
R#: 1"
D^: P
C^: v.s.m
S^: Neg.
A^: One creature

Effect: This spell allows the wu jen to plant a fictitious memory in the mind of another.

The spell can be CAST on any intelligent creature able to understand the speech of the wu jen. <50% chance of affecting semi-intelligent creatures?>
The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect.
However, if the victim is unconscious or asleep, the saving throw is made at a -2 penalty.
Upon casting the spell (which takes only a few moments), the wu jen continues the casting by describing the memory implanted.
Memories of events up to 1 turn in length per level of the caster can be implanted.
Thus a 12th-level wu jen could construct the memories of an event that lasted two hours.
The exact casting time of the spell is the time required by the wu jen to describe the memory.
The spell gives the wu jen limited knowledge of memories already possessed by the victim,
but only for the purpose of fitting the new memory into the flow of events so that it seems to fit logically in the victim's mind. The new memory can be
used to supplant a memory already in the mind of the victim (changing the outcome of an encounter or the
orders the victim may have received) or can be wedged into "blank space" (describing an encounter during a
journey which was otherwise forgettable).

The memory has no magical properties (it is not a suggestion spell), but can be used to promote friendliness, hostility, or change the victim's mission.
Obviously, the wu jen must take pains to create logical memories-occurrences must mesh with the personality of the victim or be logically explained.
Telling an intelligent evil monster he likes a traditional foe of his race simply because he was nice is not sufficient.
Telling him he likes the character because he spared its life is much more acceptable.
If the DM rules the implanted memory is totally out of character for the victim, he is allowed a second saving throw at the end of the spell, with a + 4 on the die roll.

Erasement: The reverse of this spell, erasement, allows the wu jen to remove any memory from the mind of the
victim. The limitations on the amount of memory removed are identical to that given above. The time of the
erased memory is a blank to the victim. He has no idea of what transpired. Dispel magic, remember, or a similar
spell removes an implanted memory or restores a memory which has been erased.

MC: A sheet of white paper, a brush, and a pot of ink.
