Metsubishi (pepper blower):

Weapon Type Cost Weight Size S or M Size L   Notes  Fire Rate S M L 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Metsubishi (pepper blower)* 1 tael (1 gp) <??> see below see below - 1/3 3'

This small wooden device is used to blow a puff of powder in an opponent's face.
It has a mouthpiece at one end, a chamber for holding the powder, and a small tube at the other end. Blowing hard
through the mouthpiece forces the powder out the tube, possibly in the face of the victim. The metsubishi does
no damage, but can be used to blow irritating or blinding powders at the victim.
The most common powders are pepper, ashes, and dust.
If the to hit is successful, the victim must make a saving throw versus poison or be incapacitated for 1-6 rounds.
It is often used by ninjas for distraction and escape and by city constables when attempting to capture a criminal.

<there is a good image of an actual metsubishi, here: Blinding Powder Instruments(metsubishi), by John Johnson>

* These weapons are primarily used by ninja characters.