

L^: wj7
R#: T
D^: S
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: Neg.
A^: Creature touched

Effect: This spell allows the caster to force any non-undead or spirit creature to totally obey the caster's will.

Although the spell can be cast on unintelligent creatures, it does not have a useful effect unless the creature can understand the speech of the wu jen.
The wu jen must touch the creature to cast the spell and the creature is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect.
If the saving throw is failed, the creature is affected by the spell.
The spell creates no change in the will of the creature or its personality.
It can still refuse to obey orders or attempt to harm the wu jen.
However, the wu jen, by uttering a few mystical words, can cause wracking pains in the affected creature.
These pains are so intense that the creature cannot do anything, barely able to breathe or talk.
By chanting these words over and over, the wu jen can sustain the pain until the creature relents and obeys.
For every round the pain is maintained, the creature suffers 1d10 points of damage.
Each day the creature is under the spell it is allowed a new saving throw vs. spell to escape the effect.
However, this save is made with a -4 on the die roll.

The material component for the spell is a circlet of gold placed on the head of the creature once the spell is cast.
This circlet cannot be removed by the creature until a successful saving throw is made, nor does it fall off of its own accord.
However, the caster can easily remove the circlet, breaking the spell.
A dispel magic, limited wish, or wish spell can also be used to remove the circlet.
Finally, there is the smallest chance that a merciful deity will, upon seeing the sufferings of the creature, lift the spell.
The DM must decide if this occurs.
The deities often view this spell as a means of punishing and correcting evil creatures.
Once the circlet is in place, there is no limitation to the range of the spell.
The caster can be hundreds of miles away and still maintain his hold over the creature.

MC: A circlet of gold.
