

L^: wj6
R#: 6"
D^: I
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1s
S^: None
A^: Hit dice or levels equal to caster's

Effect: When CAST, the wu jen targets this spell at a single creature or creatures.
If multiple creatures are affected, all must be within 20 feet of each other.
All affected are struck by pains and agony.
These pains pass in an instant.
Once past, however, the creatures find their muscles contorted and their strength reduced.
Both Dexterity and Strength are reduced to 3 for 2d4 rounds after the spell is cast.
This causes the creature to be -3 on hit rolls, -1 on damage, -3 on reaction attacking adjustment, and + 4 on defensive adjustment.
At the end of 2d4 rounds, the Strength and Dexterity of the creature return to normal.
A strength or prestidigitation spell cancels the effects of pain, providing the needed vitality to restore Strength and Dexterity to normal ranges.

MC: A leech and stone scraped against a slate.

Loviatar (goddess of pain)
Iuz (god of pain)

