
Planar Call

L^: wj9
R#: 0
D^: I
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1t
S^: S
A^: Creature called

This spell is identical to call, except that creatures from other planes <(Inner, Outer)> can also be called by this spell.

Saving Throw:
* If
the creature is on the same plane as the caster,
no save is allowed.

* If the creature is on a different plane
a successful save vs. Spell allows the creature to ignore the planar call.

Additionally, if the creature called has greater HD or levels than the caster, it gains a + 4 to the saving throw.

Deities and similar powerful creatures are not forced to heed the planar call, although they may respond by their own choice.

MC: A stick of incense and a strip of paper, burned when the spell is cast.
