Reversible: Fumble-Fingers

L^: wj1
R#: 0
D^: 1r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 3s
S^: S
A^: Caster only

Effect: This spell heightens the manual dexterity of the wu jen and allows him to teleport small objects to different points on his body.

The wu jen can pick pockets, cause small objects to disappear from his hand, and
cause objects on his person to suddenly appear in his hand. When the wu jen attempts to pick pockets, the
victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. If the save is successful, the attempt is discovered and whatever
relevant consequences apply. If the victim fails the save, the wu jen successfully filches the item. Furthermore,
with a quick pass of his hand, the wu jen can cause items small enough to fit in the palm of his hand to
disappear and reappear elsewhere on his person (in a pocket, boot, other hand). This feat can also be used to
bring items from elsewhere on his person into his hand. Again, the object must be small enough to easily fit in
the palm of the hand. However, onlookers are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to notice the prestidigitation. All
of these tricks take just seconds to perform and several can be done in the same round. Thus, the wu jen could
pick up a rare gem, secretly transport the item to his hat, and replace it with a cheap substitute hidden in his
pocket in a few seconds.

MC: A small drop of oil rubbed on the tips of the fingers.

Fumble-Fingers: The reverse of this spell, fumble-fingers, is cast upon a victim within 3 '.
Thereafter, for the duration of the spell, the victim must make a successful saving throw vs. spell to successfully perform any action requiring manual dexterity.
The spell does not affect large actions, such as melee combat,
    but can cause an archer to fumble his arrow,
    a ninja to drop his thieves' tools, or
    a spellcaster to confuse his gestures in spell casting.

MC.Fumble-Fingers: A small amount of oil sprinkled at the victim.