
L^: wj4
R#: 3"
D^: P
C^: v.s
CT: 3s
S^: Neg.<, +LD: Neg. >
A^: Hit dice or levels 
equal to caster's

Effect: When the quell spell is cast, the wu jen points his finger at the target and utters a few mystic words,
attempting to instantly subdue the victim.

The victim must be intelligent but does not need to understand the language of the caster.
The victim must make a successful save vs. Spell to avoid the effect.
If the save is failed, the victim instantly surrenders, just as if he had been subdued in combat or any other means.

In addition, the wu jen can demand some service of the subdued creature, if it understands the speech of the wu jen.
If attempted, the creature is allowed a second saving throw vs. spell.
If this is successful, the effects of the quell spell are broken.
If the save is unsuccessful, the victim agrees to the service and attempts to complete it.
The service can be anything that does not cause the death or injury of the creature and must have hope of success in a short time.
The affected creature will not leap into a fire (unless immune to fire) but it will risk dashing into a burning building to recover some object or rescue someone,
since there is a reasonable chance it will succeed.
Furthermore, it attempts to complete its service by the safest, easiest, end most efficient method.
It also makes whatever preparations its intelligence allows.
In the above example, the creature would probably soak itself with water and cover itself with wet blankets before making the attempt
(if it were smart enough to think of this).

Once the service is completed, the creature is freed from the quell spell.
If the creature feels it is powerful enough, it may attempt to wreak its vengeance on the caster as soon as the spell is lifted.

If the service has no set completion ("guard and protect me"), the creature is allowed a new save every day to break the spell.
This saving throw can be increased by + 2 if the spellcaster and his friends seem especially weakened in the eyes of the creature.