Secret Signs

L^: wj1
R#: 0
D^: 1r
C^: Special
CT: 1s
S^: None
A^: Caster and one other

Effect: This spell creates a secret method of communication between the wu jen and one other intelligent creature.

The creature to be communicated with is named when the spell is cast and must be within hearing and
visual distance of the caster. By means of secret signs, the caster can communicate a complete thought of 25
words or less through a single gesture, utterance, or even the placement of an object. The message is understood
by the creature regardless of language, although the interpretation of the message is another matter. The wu jen
could, for example, wave his hand in the air transmitting the message, "Come see me when all are asleep;' or
place a scroll on the table in such a way to say, "Leave now and wait for me to contact you:' Obviously, the
recipient of the message must be able to see and hear the wu jen clearly for the spell to work. There is no
specific component for this spell since the component is whatever method is used to send the message. Thus,
this spell can be used even when the wu jen is bound and gagged. The secret signs spell cannot be used to
trigger or deliver other spells of any type.