
Snake Barrier

L^: sh4
R#: 12"
D^: 3r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 4s
S^: 1/2
A^: 2" sq./level

Effect: With this spell, the shukenja creates a painful barrier against snakes, reptiles, and serpent-like creatures, including dragons.

The spell creates an invisible wall that can be shaped however the caster desires. Although
not visible, serpents of all types are aware of its presence. Those not overtly hostile avoid the area of the spell,
leaving it alone. Serpents with hostile intent may attempt to pass through the wall. However, those with 4 or
fewer hit dice must first make a successful saving throw versus paralyzation or they cannot cross the boundary.
Any serpent that does cross the boundary must make a saving throw versus spells or suffer 1d4 points of
damage for every level of the caster. A successful saving throw reduces the damage by 1/2.
Using this spell in the presence of intelligent serpent creatures usually enrages them, or at least reduces their chances of befriending and aiding the shukenja.

MC: A shed snake skin.
