
Steam Breath
<para-plane of steam?>

L^: wj3
R#: 0
D^: I
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: ½
A^: Cone 3"long & 
2" wide at base

Effect: This spell allows the caster to expel a powerful breath of superheated steam.

This steam billows forth from the caster's mouth, instantly filling the AREA of effect with scalding clouds of mist.
All those within the AREA of effect must make a save vs. breath weapon.
Those failing the save suffer full damage from the spell;
those making the saving throw suffer half damage.
The steam causes 1 d6 points of damage for every level of the caster.
Creatures from the Elemental Plane of Fire suffer one additional point of damage for every die of damage done.
Creatures from the Elemental Plane of Water suffer only half <½> damage if they fail the save and no damage if the saving throw is successful.
<para-plane of steam?>

Furthermore, normal fires in the area of effect are automatically extinguished and magical fires are extinguished 50% of the time, although those which can be
rekindled are not permanently affected.
The steam clouds dissipate instantly once the spell is CAST.

MC: A glowing piece of charcoal doused with water.
