
Summon Spirit
(Conjuration/Summoning; Necromantic)

L^: wj9
R#: 0
D^: 1t
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1t
S^: Neg.
A^: Spirit summoned

Effect: This spell allows the caster to summon any type of spirit.

The caster must have a particular spirit in mind when the spell is CAST and the spirit is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect.
The spirit can be the ghost of a long dead ancestor, a spirit of nature, or any greater spirit that occupies the PMP.
Once summoned, the spirit appears before the caster, remaining for one turn.
It is cooperative and friendly, considering the caster to be a helpful or needy person.
However, aside from appearing and remaining for the turn, it is not under any obligation to the caster.
It freely answers questions, provides guidance, and assists the caster within the scope of its abilities at that moment.

MC: A stick of incense and an offering appropriate to the nature && power of the spirit summoned.
