
Sword of Darkness

L^: wj6
R#: 6"
D^: 1r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 5s
S^: None
A^: One creature

Effect: This spell creates a jet black sword that radiates a palpable aura of evil.

The sword can appear anywhere within the range of the spell.
When cast, the wu jen targets the spell on one creature.
Thereafter, the sword can only attack that creature.
The wu jen must concentrate on the actions of the sword, causing it to strike as if he held it in his own hand (nonproficiency penalties do not apply).
On a successful hit, the sword temporarily drains the creature hit of 1-3 levels or hit dice.
Appropriate hit points, fighting ability, spell levels, and level powers are lost.
The sword itself causes no physical damage.
If the victim is reduced below 0 level, he is slain.
In 1-3 days, his spirit returns as a kuei (see Monster section).
Lost levels are regained 1-3 turns after the sword of darkness disappears, provided the character has not died.
However, spells lost are not regained, since they were wiped clean from the character's mind.
These spells must be memorized again before they can be cast.

MC: A katana or long sword worth at least 20 ch'ien which is shattered against a stone.
