Tea ceremony (2, 15):

The tea ceremony is a highly specialized art practiced by nobles in some lands.
Although outwardly it appears to be a simple if not trivial procedure, it is actually a skill that requires painstaking concentration.
Every movement and step must be performed with an exact amount of grace and precision.
Furthermore, the purpose of the ceremony is to create an atmosphere of utter calm and serenity, free of all mental distractions.
Should this not be achieved, the ceremony has failed in its goal.
Stories are told of masters of this art who are so skilled they cannot be surprised or distracted in the slightest while in the midst of the ceremony.
When a character is engaged in a tea ceremony, the DM should secretly roll against the success number for the proficiency.
If the die roll is greater than the number needed to succeed, the character has achieved that utter concentration.
During the course of the ceremony, which lasts one hour, the character cannot be surprised.