

L^: wj4
R#: 12"
D^: S
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: Neg.
A^: 2" sq. area

Effect: This spell is a more powerful version of the hold person spell.

When cast, the wu jen identifies the center point of the effect.
All creatures within the area of effect at that time must make a saving throw vs. spell.
If the save is successful, the spell has no effect on that creature. If the saving throw if failed, that creature is
transfixed. Transfixed creatures cannot move, speak, cast spells, or take any action. Once creatures are
transfixed, the wu jen must state some condition that must be met to release the victims-"Wait here until I
return;' or "Stay there for all eternity!" The condition can be anything, however implausible. If this condition is
met, the creatures are automatically released. For every six turns the creatures remain transfixed, they are
allowed another saving throw vs. spell to escape the spell. Furthermore, creatures entering the area of the spell
after it is cast must also make a saving throw vs. spell (at + 4 on the die roll) or also be transfixed. A saving
throw must be made each time a creature enters the area of effect. Creatures removed from the area of effect are
instantly freed from the spell. The spell is considered to be active as long as at least one creature is transfixed by

MC: A barnacle crushed underfoot when the spell is cast || a drop of pine resin.
