

L^: wj4
R#: 0
D^: 1r*
C^: v
CT: 1r
S^: None
A^: Caster only

Effect: This powerful spelt is only used by the wu jen in the face of impending death.

When cast, it allows the
wu jen to take one final act of revenge even though he has been killed. When the character is slain, his spirit
remains for one round to carry out whatever final thought the wu jen had fixed in his mind at the moment of
death. If a spell is to be used, the specific spell must be clearly stated. This final action must be a deed that
could be accomplished by the character in one round at the moment he died. Thus, the wu jen could not cast a
spell he did not have memorized, had memorized and already cast, or which required more than one round to
cast. If there is confusion concerning what the final thought of the character was, a saving throw vs. death
should be made. If successful, the player is allowed to choose the deed; otherwise it must be adjudicated by the
DM. The vengeance is directed at the thing or person which caused his death. His vengeful spirit has no regard
for the lives of others and carries out its final deed even if it imperils or harms the lives of friends or innocents.
If it is possible, the deed of vengeance must be carried out; it cannot be retracted once announced.
In the next round the deed is performed. The spirit, through the energies sustaining it, automatically
gains the initiative over all other parties. If the body is present, the spirit reanimates it to accomplish the
vengeance. If the body is not available, the spirit appears in ghostly form to perform its deed. This action is
subject to all the normal rules of hitting and saving throws, and thus may not be successful in its stated goal.
However, success or failure is not the key issue. Only the opportunity to perform the deed is granted by the
spell. Once the deed is done the spirit vanishes and is at rest.
