
Weapon Type Cost Weight Size S or M Size L   Notes  Length Space Required Speed Factor 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Wakizashi () 6 ch'ien 
(includes scabbard)
3# 1-8 1-8 - 2'-3' 1' 4 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 0 +1 0 0

This is a short sword, similar in design and construction to the katana. Like the katana, the
wakizashi may be named for some past deed or event. It holds almost as important a place in the samurai's
honor as his katana. Those rules and guidelines concerning the katana and its care also apply to the wakizashi
when it is part of a matched set.

The wakizashi and the katana are normally worn as a pair by samurai characters. This is known as
daisho, or "long arid short:" Indeed, in many lands of Kara-Tur the two weapons are a sign of the samurai's
status. Only samurai characters are allowed to wear them both. Should others disobey this law they can be
subject to arrest or immediate execution for presuming a rank they have no right to hold.