Wall of Bones

L^: wj4
R#: 6"
D^: 1t
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: None
A^: Wall 10' sq. & 1/2' thick/level

Effect: When cast, this spell causes a wall of bones to erupt from the earth in whatever shape the caster desires within the limits of the AREA of effect.

The wall must be solidly based or it will collapse in a random pile.
The wall is not solid, having many small openings and gaps.
Missiles can be fired through these and those sheltering behind the wall are considered to have 50% cover.
Creatures of small size can slip and wriggle through the openings in the wall at the rate of 10 feet per round.
However, the wall is quite spiky and those moving through it suffer 1d8 hit points of damage for every 10 feet traveled.

The wall can be cast under the feet of creatures. When this is done, the wall appears everywhere except
where the creature is standing, possibly entrapping them within it. Creatures in the area of effect suffer 2d8
points of damage when the wall appears. The wall can be smashed down by creatures with an 18 or greater
Strength if they use a blunt weapon. Every 10 points of damage the creature inflicts on the wall causes the
collapse of a 5 foot x 5 foot x 1/2 foot section of the wall. The wall is composed of bones of many different
types of creatures, fused in bizarre angles. It cannot be animated by an animate dead spell.

MC: The branch of withered peach tree taken from a cemetery.
