
Withering Palm

L^: wj7
R#: T
D^: Instantaneous
C^: v.s
CT: 4s
S^: 1/2
A^: Creature touched

Effect: This spell acts similar to a staff of withering.

Upon casting the spell, the wu jen must touch the victim. If
a successful hit roll is made, the victim suffers 3d6 points of damage and must make a successful saving throw
vs. spell to avoid the withering effect. If the saving throw is failed, one limb of the creature (either the limb
touched or one randomly determined) becomes shriveled and useless. The head is not considered a limb! If the
saving throw is successful, the creature still suffers damage but does not undergo withering. If an arm is
withered, the character can still fight, though he cannot use two-handed weapons. Spells requiring somatic
components can be cast 75% of the time. If a leg is withered, the character's movement rate is reduced to 1 /4 its
normal. Armor Class decreases by 3 and the character suffers a -4 on his chance to hit. A withered limb can be
restored by the use of heal, limited wish, and wish spells.
