
Wood Rot
Reversible: Prevent Rot

L^: wj5
R#: 3"
D^: P
C^: v.s.m
CT: 3s
S^: Neg.
A^: S

Effect:  When CAST, a sickly pale {fire} leaps from the caster's fingertips, dancing over the wooden object targeted by the spell.

If the TARGET is a live plant, the spell succeeds 75% of the time.
If the TARGET is a plant-like creature, a successful saving throw vs. spell prevents the spell from having any effect.
Non-living wooden objects receive no saving throw.

Once the spell takes effect, the wooden object begins to decay at the rate of 1 cubic foot per
turn. Plant-like creatures lose 1 HD for every cubic foot so rotted. The decayed wood rots and falls away,
easily crumbling to the touch. The decay continues until the object is entirely rotted away. A wooden door can
be destroyed in several turns, while a large wooden building requires several days.

Prevent Rot: The reverse of this spell, prevent rot, stops the decaying process of the wood rot spell.
It does not restore wood already decayed by a wood rot, however.

MC: A live termite (or dead, for the reverse).
