Fungus Identification (I+6):

This proficiency is very useful on extended underground expeditions where characters intend to live off the land.
Fungi are the only plants that commonly grow underground, and approximately 50% of all fungi discovered there are deadly poisonous.
For this reason, an edible fungus harvest is virtually impossible without the aid of a character proficient in fungus identification.

If the character has plentiful light and an opportunity to study
the fungus in question for 1 turn, no Proficiency Check is necessary.
However, if the character is unable to see the fungus
clearly, or must make a hasty decision about whether or not it is
edible, the check must be made.


Oh all right...

I confess I am a gastronome, love gourmet restaurants, enjoy cooking, and am usually willing to try anything that has the prospect of being good to eat 

And now I am wishing I had paid more attention to my grandfather when he was attempting to teach me about edible mushrooms. I recall him mentioning a shelf fungi that was excellent, I think he said it was orange, but matbe that was one that was poisnous. Ah well.

That mushroom pun didn't ring true.


Originally Posted by thedungeondelver
Ahh, Gary. When they made you they broke the mold.

Now, now!

Just because you are rusty there is no need to be slimy and smutty as well.
What a blight is such phagocytic punning 



Originally Posted by Mycanid
Good morning (or afternoon where you are) my good sir! 

Never mind me ... just dropping by to say hello. 

The morel of that is a cheerful greeting is always welcome and appreciated 
