23. Lower Grand Canyon of Deepearth
Geography: This is
the lower portion of the Grand Canyon of
Deepearth (Area
7). The canyon walls descend another 1,200
feet from this point, but
the canyon is bridged between Areas 22
and 24. Both the domains
of the deep gnomes and the duergar
24) reach to the canyon itself, and on each side the demihumans
have carved vast galleries
capable of holding a thousand
or more spectators. These
galleries face each other across
the 1,000-foot width of
the canyon.
A sturdy stone bridge about
20 feet wide stretches between the
two galleries. Below this
bridge, in full view of both galleries, is a
three-dimensional web of
stone arches, metal girders, rope ladders,
and nets. This is an arena
of subterranean competition (see
Unique Features).
and Resources
are as explained under Area 7. Note
that svirfneblin and duergar
war parties constantly watch each
other across the canyon.
Unique Features: The
arena is a treacherous structure upon
which most conflicts among
the duergar and deep gnomes (as
well as interracial fights)
are resolved. The tragic and costly wars
of the past have convinced
these demi-humans that it is far better
to appoint a champion from
each faction and to have the champions
fight to the death, rather
than risk the devastation of war.
The champions carry an assortment
of nonmissile weapons
onto the girders, and fight
to the death. In some cases, the conflict
may be resolved before this
happens, but when a duergar
and svirfneblin duel, the
conflict always results in a fatality. The
three-dimensional nature
of the arena allows for a unique form of
combat in which opponents
maneuver for height, positions of
security, and openings for
attacks. The girders and beams are
spaced far enough apart
that the small warriors often have difficulty
reaching each other. Humans
and larger creatures have an
easier time moving through
the arena.