3. Guest Rooms

Brubgrok keeps these three rooms for important visitors, such as
well-heeled stone buyers or messengers from the slaver network.
Each room has an iron oil lamp mortared into a stone wall, but
when the chambers are not occupied, the lamps are not lit.

The door opens into a darkened room. The air inside has a
pleasant scent. A thick carpet covers the floor, and tapestries
adorn the walls. The room has a trio of armchairs with quilted
cushions, a writing desk with a straight-backed chair, and a canopied
bed flanked by small night tables, each with a bowl and
pitcher on top. Near the foot of the bed stands an unlit brazier
on an iron tripod.

These chambers have rich furnishings but nothing else of interest.
Brubgrok has each room cleaned and all evidence of the latest occupant
removed as soon as a guest leaves. The braziers are meant
to provide heat; each contains some unburned charcoal and a bit
of ash. Each pitcher is stuffed with a bouquet of herbs to keep the
chamber’s air fresh.

2 flat chests with casters lie under the bed in each chamber.
Each chest has a hasp but no lock. All the chests are empty.

Each room has a carpet and four tapestries worth 75 gp apiece.
A carpet weighs 50 pounds, and a tapestry weighs 30 pounds.
