8. Storage and Display Area

The slavers store supplies in this chamber, but occasionally they

clear it out to put a few slaves on display.

This fairly long and wide room has 6 exits: 2 alcoves in the
west wall, 2 in the east wall, and 2 doors in the south wall.

A line of crates and barrels runs down the chamber’s center.

The crates and barrels contain mundane supplies: bolts of common
cloth, flour, leather, metal ingots, firewood, charcoal, dried rushes,
and the like. The only valuable commodity is a barrel of lamp oil.

It holds the equivalent of 75 flasks. One crate holds several 20-foot
lengths of chain (well used) and many sets of manacles.

Characters who investigate the collection of supplies notice a line
of heavy steel rings set into niches in the stone floor. The slavers
chain their captives to the rings when they conduct a sale.
