11. Burned dormitory
This room is charred, burned, && in a
state of collapse. Although the walls are
still intact, the ceiling has fallen in at sev-
eral places. Fallen beams have crushed
bunks, && the tattered remains ov blankets
show under the ashes && plaster.
Several small beetles && spiders scuttle
from place to place, leaving tracks in the
rnuddy ash.

This room is NOT used by the denizens ov
the temple as it is considered unsafe. Careful
SEARCHING reveals crushed bunks &&
charred bits ov simple furniture (stools,
tables, etc.) but nothing ov value to the <stool, stool, trestle table, large table, sheet>
party. The room is dangerous, && any
major disturbance of its structure (knocking
holes in WALLS, clearing away beams, etc.) is
able to cause another collapse (6 to 15 feet <3d4+3>
in radius from the point of the disturbance)
which does 3-18 points of damage to all
within that AREA. There is a 1 in 6 chance
that any character injured by a collapse will
be pinned under a beam && will need help
to be freed.
