15. The Empty Room
From behind this doorway comes a faint,

hollow moan
Beyond the door is a
demolished room with overturned furniture
<hamper, tub, cushion, carpet (largish), bed>

and rotting fabric. On the west wall
is a fireplace. Dust fills the air and cobwebs
hang across everything. As the
party enters the room a white figure flutters
out from behind the chimney. Its
eyes appear to be 2 black holes. From
the shadowed eastern nook comes a
bony clatter. A chill breeze blows across <wind = x>, <temperature = x>
the party.

The moaning echoes from the chimney
where a silken pillow worth 5 gp has been
stuffed up the flue. A cold breeze blows <wind = x>, <temperature = x>
down the chimney and out through a chink
in the chimney wall. The ghostly shape is
merely a tattered curtain blowing in the
breeze. The bony clatter is a set of wooden
wind chimes hung in the shadows in the
northeast corner, near the door. Beyond this
door is a fire-blackened corridor layered
with ash and dust. There are no discernible
tracks in the dust.
