16. Gambling Hall: 
Sign of the Bouncing Bugbear

This seedy-looking whitewashed building
is open and much noise can be heard
from within. Above the doors are
painted signs showing a bugbear tumbling
head over heels down a hill.

There are 24 human townsmen inside,
obviously members of the lower class, who
are divided into 4 groups, each busily
playing cards or throwing dice. They are sitting
around worn tables on crude wooden
benches, and almost all are at least 1/2
drunk. Newcomers will be invited to join a
game and try their luck.

Any player wishing to gamble can do so.
The DM may use the gambling rules set
forth in the Dungeon Masters Guide for specific
games, or simply use an abstract, dice-rolling
system. The games pay twice the
amount wagered by the player, but the
player will only win 25% of the time.
