2. Guard Towers
These imposing stone structures, built
into the city walls, stand about 50 feet
high. There are entrances at ground level
and on the walls.

Each tower has 3 rooms (ground
level, wall level, and a roofed fighting platform)
connected by winding stairways. Distributed
throughout each tower will be 20
1st level soldiers and one 3d level sergeant-at
-arms armed with broadswords and short
composite bows and wearing chain mail.

Soldiers (20 Veterans): AC 5; hp 8 each;
#AT 1; D 2-8, bow 1-6
<bow specialists>
XP 89

Sergeant-at-arms (Swordsman): AC 5;
hp 18; #AT 1; D 2-8, bow 1-6
<bow specialist>
XP 222
